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I'm a twenty three year old. Attending College, my major is forensic anthropology & psychology. If im not working or in school. I'm reading.

Not Until Tonight Review

Not Until Tonight - Jessica Sankiewicz

Definitely a page turner. I believe this is a novella and part one of a series. This being part one. Very light easy read. I enjoyed this book very much, did leave me wanting to know more and I did have a lot of questions on what happens next, if anything happens with the other characters, more of the back story, and most of all what did the friends think when Tyler made a bit of a scene.

Basically, "Not until tonight" is a story about a girl who frequents a bar across the street from her apartment. By frequent I mean the people who work there know her name (Haley). Her and the bareneter there grow a friendship, but like any bartender he flirts with her listens to her problems. But in the back of her mind she doesn't know if he's interested or being a nice guy. Because in fact she has a huge crush on him (Skylar), but doesn't want to ruin something good, her go to place away from her apt. Till I proposition comes to play, and now there no turning back.


(I did receive this e-copy for my honest opinion)