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I'm a twenty three year old. Attending College, my major is forensic anthropology & psychology. If im not working or in school. I'm reading.

Of Poseidon-Anna Banks

Of Poseidon - Anna Banks

Rated **4.7**


Seems like this book got very mixed ratings. Cute love story. Easy Read. Funny Moments. I know for sure one moment made me laugh out loud literally. talk about awkward being out and about. The main characters (Emma & Galen) are not to like, and there love story is just hard not to fall in love with. The side characters (Rayna & Toraf) are pretty fun, and they have their own story developed through the story. However, First off, when I started reading it had me locked in. Anna Banks gave such a clear picture of the scene, and setting. Anything Mermaids, Greek Mythology related I will read. I had no idea what this book was about just ordered off a whim. and I'm so glad I did. Can't wait to run to the book store tomorrow and get my hands on the second and third book.


Syrena is basically another term for mermaid, which they don't like to be called. obviously they live underwater. but few are granted to come to land which Galen happens to be one of those lucky few. he is also a royal heir for triton's line. but of course he isn't here on land to just roam around and do nothing he's here to locate a girl who has white hair, pale skin, and who has a signature trait that the syrena people have violet eyes. He finds her unexpectedly. Something tragic happens that same day that changes Emma's life. Unfourtnely for her something else is going to change everything for Emma. Galen coincidently I think not moves to her town, and is there to convince her of her gifts, and help her accept them.


The Winners Curse

The Winner's Curse (Winner's Trilogy, #1) - Marie Rutkoski

Easy Read. Written very beautiful, Marie Ruthoski spun this story very well very detailed but got to the point with it getting stuffy.

This isn't the usual epic love story.

The characters Kestrel she isn't your usual hero. She's very knowledgeable, a dreamer, free will ( not that she supposed to be), artist, and has different views than those of her own. Arin is well spoken for a slave, Knowledgeable, has more skills than he lets on, gorgeously handsome. It all starts with a stroll in town with her friend jess. She bid on this slave that was supposedly would be good for "a house" blacksmith, was a singer. And gets sucked in an bids on him thinking it would be good for her father the general. But in the back of her mind she doesn't know why she bids on him. Especially for the price she paid.

But what kestrel didn't know was what this buy was going to cost her more than 50 keystones....

Not Until Tonight Review

Not Until Tonight - Jessica Sankiewicz

Definitely a page turner. I believe this is a novella and part one of a series. This being part one. Very light easy read. I enjoyed this book very much, did leave me wanting to know more and I did have a lot of questions on what happens next, if anything happens with the other characters, more of the back story, and most of all what did the friends think when Tyler made a bit of a scene.

Basically, "Not until tonight" is a story about a girl who frequents a bar across the street from her apartment. By frequent I mean the people who work there know her name (Haley). Her and the bareneter there grow a friendship, but like any bartender he flirts with her listens to her problems. But in the back of her mind she doesn't know if he's interested or being a nice guy. Because in fact she has a huge crush on him (Skylar), but doesn't want to ruin something good, her go to place away from her apt. Till I proposition comes to play, and now there no turning back.


(I did receive this e-copy for my honest opinion)